13 August 2006

Long time no see/sea

This post is a proof to a fact:-

When we say goodbye to someone, we take so many things for granted, when i wrote my previous post, i did not imagine that Mumbai would be rocked by a series of bomb blasts, that the site of blogspot would be blocked and that i would be writing my next post after an eternity.... a simple request to all , next time u say bye to someone dear, make sure u mean it. Period.

a silent prayer for the victims of the Mumbai carnage.

Much water has passed under the bridge since my previous post, almost half of my MBA program has passed, i have moved out of my dilema.....so Arjun has jumped into the battle with all his strength. do not ask me who Krishna was....i thought about it and came to the conclusion that it was TIME, it was a matter of time if u wish.

M too tired to continue writing as of now, gotta wake up early tomorrow,

take care all,

To the eyes which weep in the silent darkness,
to the doors that await knocks in the night,
to the human spirit which stands tall after every battering,
to the resilience of the broken hearts
and to the doves of hope and peace,

i owe my allegiance.