Dizzy n Busy

Its so easy to forget your breakfast and lunch in this 100 meter hurdle race. U stop noticing this fact after some time becoz in most of the cases there is no damn thing u can do about it, u cant get up early, u cant go to sleep early, u cant 'CAN DO' anythin bout it.
I have been drinkin apple juice for breakfast and lunch, the food is becumin an issue with each passing day, possible intervention is just around the corner.Food committe will get down to brassattacks soon.
The assignment scene has not worsened as of yet, so things can still be managed.
Tomorrow i shall be meetin CSWs for the karma yoga project, each meeting drains me out emotionally but strengthens my will to be of some help to this lot.
I can see my plans being successful, so i know i will succeed.