Speed of time and the Geeta revisited

U remember the deal with the speed of time:- that it moves slowly when u want it to just fly by(during rough times) and that it moves real fast when u want it to stand still( good times), unfortunately there is a third attribute to it too.
I will come back to it, meanwhile let me raise another issue close to my heart, people keep making a big deal about following what ur heart says and not ur mind.Like in the choice of a career path…turns out that it is easier said than done. how can u simply follow ur heart? wud it not be plain stupid? how can u jump an abyss that u r likely to fall into? u mite be tempted to call it a leap of faith,but that is a misnomer, its more like a leap of distrust,distrust of ur natural instincts. ur mind tells you not to jump but u still jump,believing the calculations of ur heart, HELLO!!! a heart is not supposed to make calculations, we have a mind for that.
And I question this thought so much because I am at one such crossroad in my life.The decision wud shape up at least the next 20 years of my life. I have wanted so badly to follow my heart all this while, and now when I am on the spot, I am split up b/w following my heart and mind. A geeta discourse seems to be in the order of things…Arjun’s confusion is complete…where is Krishna?

Coming back to the speed of time thing, the third unfortunate aspect is this:- it so happens that the ‘good time’ is not supposed to go slow, it is intrinsically ephemeral and as soon as the good time becomes sluggish it becomes bad. This is where the relativity of good and bad times comes in, u do not have a choice but to be a haggler dealing with fate. Can’t figure it out? Its ok, All puzzles need not have answers.
This time it seems I am stuck for good,
ve bin thinkin bout d the trees, ve cut no wood,
and soon i shall be hungry, havin thunk so much,
shud i stop cutin d trees,or think no more i shud?
something is deadly wrong.
pls..forgive us...kya ho gaya tere ko,
I must say you have the very abiltiy thru which you can punch any1 (esp. those who read ur blog) .. direct dimaag mein ghuske punch....
hmm.. i know wat u mean... but i guess it does pay to take the road not taken... :).. most of my posts r on the same lines :P
Speed of time? It travels 1 second per second - irrespective of which side of the toilet door you are. Caesium is supposed to be a good source of time - apparently it is radioactive and its half-life is used in a convoluted formula to determine the 1/86400 part of the mean solar day. Yep - Std X Physics. Wonder whatever happened to Mr. Doppler and his v = n x Lambda related stuff ..
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