Just blew it...and forgot it too...

As a child i often thought..what could be the speed of time,
the reason for the question was that its passing rate was a variable, it used to slow down when things were not going right and it used to fly by when i was having a nice time.
And now that i have entered the busiest phase of my life so far....Time has actually taken on an entirely new avataar, i have started missing it. It works both as a healer and an antagonizer.
And it seems to reduce me to the status of a by-stander in my own life....NOW do u know how fast it is moving?
It is a miracle that i am able to remember the right things at the right time ( Confidence level about 67%). and the good part is that i am not able to remember the things that i have forgotton...luckily people around me forget to remind me about it because...U said it..they just forget it....Convenient..isnt it?
I will soon forget all that I did not get,I'll just let it go,
When it all came down to a single question, I chose to say NO.