Of exams and other happenings..

The term 1 is over some more papers to go in this term but they will take care of themselves. For 24 hours now i have been in a state of moral levitation. This Sunday was vacant-meaning no classes, if u r a crusader u wud know what it means. Add to it the fact that i had just given the macroeconomics exam and what u have is an evening of fun and games at the Besant Nagar beach. We were a group of 11 guys, desperately seeking fun and..... things happenned.
I lost a shirt pocket, everyone got hit on the butt becz of a bumping frenzy which started out on its own, the police patrol at the beach became concerned and did nothing apart from blowing whistles. My backside was used to draw a 50 meter line on the besant nagar beach and for the first time i knew what it would feel like to be a pen, being handled by 4 guys.
We sang songs, threw mobiles ( nitin prabhaker's mobile was split into 6 pieces, all of which reassembled to make a functional NOKIA moblie..AGAIN!!!!), farted out loud and made sure everyone knew that something big( term 1) had recently concluded at Great Lakes.
The flip side being the finances, my account is running out of mudra at an alarming pace, dunno what pop is gonna make out of it.... After every test u feel that u deserve a treat and some nice freakin out activity ..such is the pressure of this program...have another test lined up for 14th...so the story continues...
full moon, stars so bright and the breeze,
take my hand, look into my eyes please,
and then maybe i will say something,
it might be smooth, it might be a tease.