Numbers or nemesis????

Its official now, numbers shall be the end of me, inspite of getting a spirited teacher like Noor, i do not know what i have done in today's paper.
I guess my abhorence for financial accounting and related subjects, has become a self fulfilling prophecy.I hate it, and because i hate it...i can not love it and so i keep hating it..because i just can not bring myself to love it.
I desperately need to meet people like myself, i need to feel normal, i hope there is someone out there, who is close by.
As for my speciaization, i do not know what i will choose.....but on the brighter side..i know what i will NOT choose.....u guessed it right...Finance.
Body building is going on fine with 20 miute workouts, m not sure i m building anything worthwhile on that front.
The number game is over as far as this term is concerned...but how long can i rest without numbers in my life.. they will be back soon..