15 May 2006

The matters of the facts...

It looks like the lull before the storm,
have been free for 2 hours now, 2 STRAIGHT HOURS and have already started thinking about watchin 'gangster', but the normalisation effect has already come into play, Prof Raghu Aiyar has sent in a sweet assignment by mail, news came in even as i was writing this piece, so the title has to change...but let me improvise....
this blog has become my diary,was into this habit for some 9 years before going into job n then things changed, there was no time.
But here it seems that i m hell bent upon utilising each and every minute i get, thats not me, so the matter of fact is i m changing.
my concern is, would i be able to sustain this?.....
Have i been writing too much heavy stuff??

paralysis by analysis

There is a certain degree of madness required to gel in with the demands of a 1 year MBA.
If u r sane, u will probably freak out when u look into the nitty gritty of how things happen....They JUST HAPPEN.
Pretty much like the classical macroeconomic theory motto- "Economy self adjusts". Things fall into a sequence...classes followed by assignments and case studies followed by committee meetings followed by group meetings followed by lunch and so on..... if u were to plan each and everything in advance...u wud require at least an hour to make things smooth...and that time my friend u dont have...so what do u do?
"THINK ON YOUR FEET"...that is the only sensible way...initially there wud be failures...some big ones too...but u wud get second chances (like al things- dont count on it) and then u will learn to be MAD. Simple..isnt it??
Call me mad, call me bad, call me something really sad,
Call me names, play some games,just giv me my daily bread.