Tao does nuthin..yet nuthin stays undone

A gap of 2 days...well time sure moves fast in this part of Chennai,
No complaints though.
PKV has done it, he succeeded in reminding me along with my entire batch that perfection is not a goal, its an achieveable target...so i ended up getting a perfect ZERO!!!!(BAD KARMA??? but i did not do anything in stats ;-) it is actually a very promising development, keeping in mind that there is no negative marking, i can safely assume that the only way to go from this place is..UP....
I had 2 hours of sound sleep in the afternoon..this was as close as it comes to witnessing a miracle here.
Karma is slowly becumin the talk of the masses here, Venky has surely embedded the idea into our psyche.
Its good in the sense that,this batch has started showing the first signs of having an IDENTITY
afterall that is what makes any batch unique.
The flow takes you through it all,
the scenery on the banks changes,
The climb gets steeper ,
but u see more ranges.
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